Thursday, January 12, 2012

Frosting Bath & Body

Happy New Year!
A little late, I know. But here is the first blog post for 2012!

A little before Christmas, elle and ohh became part of the sample team for a company on Etsy called Frosting Bath & Body. Frosting Bath & Body sells mineral makeup along with bath salts, body sprays, lotions, massage oils and exfoliators. I was instantly drawn to them when I saw their profile picture on Facebook. It is of many eyeshadows in beautifully bright colors. You can see their Facebook page here. 

I finally had a chance to order some of their products. I ordered four eyeshadows that were 50% off.  I paid $10 for four 5 gram eyeshadows plus $3 shipping and handling. The eyeshadows are regular price $5 per jar.

The ordering process/s&h: It was my first purchase ever on Etsy and I was pleased by how easy it was to use. I think I paid through Paypal, but I can't remember for sure.
I loved that the owner of FB&B messaged me through Etsy to let me know she had received my order and was packaging it.
I received my package fairly quickly, (this is the sucky part about waiting to blog about something!) I know for a fact that it took less than a week for me to receive my package.

The eyeshadows were beautifully wrapped inside a bubble envelope. I wish I had taken pictures of the packaging before I opened it but I was so excited! The four eyeshadows were in a tight baggie with a FB&B business card and sealed on top with a cardboard with the FB&B logo.

These are the eyeshadows I ordered:

Cavalier, Mistaken, Rebel and Glitz

 Pictures without flash
Picture with flash

As you can see, these eye shadows are beautiful. They are everything I love in an eyeshadow; bold, bright and sparkly! I have a terrible relationship with my camera, I never bothered to read the manual.  Having pictures come out the way I actually want them is almost impossible.  So the  next pictures are of the eyeshadows individually.  No flash.  In real life, the eyeshadows are closest to the pictures with flash.

Cavalier is a very grapey purple, it's true to the way it looks inside the jar. I did notice on this eyeshadow, when I was swatching it, that it had a few specks of red that streaked. I didn't find this a problem, it actually was comforting to know that the purple color had been made and not repackaged.

Glitz is the first yellow eyeshadow I have ever purchased. It sparkles like gold eyeshadows should and it feels very luxurious to the touch. Definately impressed me and become one of my favorites quickly.

Rebel! Who doesn't love a bold pink eyeshadow?! This color is a light pinky fuschia. The sparkles on this shadow amazing. This looks good enough to eat. 

Mistaken is a brick red eyeshadow. This eyeshadow is crazy strong. I swatched it on my hand it was the hardest to remove.
Swatches: Click to enlarge.

From left to right: Cavalier, Glitz, Rebel and Mistaken.
All swatches over primer.

Now on to how the eyeshadows actually look on your eyes!!!

Phew! This post took me hours to finish! Anyway, I hope you liked it. I also hope you liked the eyeshadows. I think it's important to support small businesses like Frosting Bath & Body. You're getting a product hand made especially for you, it's not mass produced and packaged by machines!

Frosting Bath & Body earns a place in elle and ohh's heart because of the quality of the product they make. We love the eyeshadow colors, the luxurious silkiness they posses, and the versatility in their use. We also love them for treating their customers with care and respect!

 Click the link to visit Frosting Bath & Body's Etsy Store.

Thank you,
ohh <3

1 comment:

  1. Aww thank you sweetie! This is a great review! Thank you for all the wonderful compliments! Your blog is beautiful and the review was very well written! Also thanks for all the photos! xoxo!

    Frosting Bath & Body
