Monday, December 26, 2011

Mini PB-Choco Cheesecake Bites!

This past weekend we all did a lot of partying, drinking, talking and of course eating. I for one, love the holidays and love food. So I've been uber happy since Halloween when I started eating non stop. I only recently began to like cream cheese, before, it kind of really grossed me out; like gag reflex gross.

Ingredients: 2 pacakages 8 oz cream cheese
                  6 oz or half a bag of semi sweet chocolate chips
                  2 or 3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
                  1/4 of a tofu square
                  Oreo cookies
                  1/3 cup of sugar
                  1(or 2) teaspoons Vanilla extract
                  1 teaspoon baking powder

This weekend my friends and I had our holiday Christmas get together and I decided to make chocolate peanut butter cheesecake. I have made this one before and absolutely loved it! Now that I don't mind cream cheese, I decided to use a basic recipe and I didn't have to make a trip to whole foods at all. However, I still used some tofu in place of the eggs though and some flax seed along with a pinch of baking powder. This a friendly recipe for lacto-vegetarians and everyone! (except vegans- sorry)

Being lazy I wanted to make little bite size portions that would be fun, tasty and easy on the waist. I used Oreos as the crust. I split them in half so some of the mini bites would have the cream and some would not. I divided the cheesecake batter in half. I melted half a bag of semi sweet chocolate chips and added it to one half of the batter and added about 2 big tablespoons of peanut butter to the other half of the batter and mixed them.

Second layer
First layer

Apparently I am not good at gauging what half is because I had more chocolate batter than peanut butter batter. I layered the batter. First with chocolate then added the peanut batter over it and vice versa. 

Mon Mon loving the mini pb-choco cheesecake bites!
My face can't process the yummyness yet

I baked them for about 23 minutes at 325 degrees and let them cool maybe 15-30 minutes before I shoved them in the fridge to set. I ate one 2 hours later and it was yummy. I think mini is the way to go, they spent less time in the oven and less time in the fridge to set and less time to get in my belly!

Hope you guys try and make these! Super fast and tasty!


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wet n Wild's Kaleidoscope Wild Shine nail color

Hey guys!

Earlier this week we posted a picture of some super glittery holographic nails. If you're interested in achieving this look go to your nearest drugstore and pick up Wet n Wild's nail color in "Kaleidoscope." I believe I bought it at Walgreens for either $1 or $2. In order to give the nails such a cool 3D look I had to use about 7 coats of nail polish! I know it seems like a lot, but trust me, the results are totally worth it.

Cameras can't capture the beauty of these nails. 
They totally remind me of Emma Frost in X Men First Class. 

Don't be shy and try it !

Have an awesome day! Thank you for reading!
-ohh <3

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I just saw Melancholia today and was a little underwhelmed, I still really enjoyed the movie but it still hasn't been my favorite this year. Some of the scenes were visually amazing especially the beginning of the movie (which gives you a preview of what's to come). It was very pretty to watch & I absolutely thought that this is a great end of the world movie, so much different from what we're used to watching.

At first, I couldn't stop thinking of Von Trier's 'Antichrist' and hoping that there wouldn't be any genital mutilation this time. Keeping my fingers crossed helped. But Kirsten Dunst does come out naked and I don't remember her boobs being so big! I always thought she was small chested, that could be because I couldn't stop from staring at her elf teeth, which weren't that bothersome this time.

My favorite part of the movie was the end, I thought it was wonderful. The music was dramatic and beautiful. If I ever saw the end of the world, I would hope it looked as pretty as it was in this film.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Violent Lips Lip Tattoo Review

Hey guys this is Ohh, from elle & ohh, doing our first blog review on a product.  I'm going to give you guys my opinion on the Violent Lips temporary lip tattoos. 

So, to start off, I want to let you know that these lip tattoos are sold through Violent Lips and through Sephora.  They run from $9.99 to $14.95 depending on the print.  Most packages include three applications.  I ordered these on Violent Lips's Black Friday sale (they offered 50% off your purchase and free shipping).   I only ordered the package called Red Glitterati which retails for $14.95 and I paid around $7.50.  These lip tattoos were delivered to me in about six days including the weekend. 

So here is what I received in the package:

The package includes three lip applications and a postcard with the pictures of some of the available lip tattoos.  On the back of the post card you can find the instructions on how to use Violent Lips.

I read through the instructions but this video is really what helped me figure out how these tattoos are supposed to be used. 


They make it looks sooooo EASY!

This is what I looked like trying to get my tattoo on my lip after I trimmed it:

Not fun.

The next problem I encountered with these tattoos was that my fingers were a little wet from the cotton ball that is supposed to wet the paper, so when I tried to remove the clear film to apply the tattoo, the glitter actually got stuck to my finger and started stretching and peeling off.  I tried to grab it from another area and that also got stuck to my finger, it was a disaster.  Once I managed to apply the lip tattoo on my actual lip it looked so horrible, here's a pic:

As you can see that is NOT attractive!

The lip tattoos feel as if you had painted your lips with acrylic paint, not that I ever have! But you know how it dries all plastic-y? It feels like that, kind of like glue on your lips... It's not completely horrible though, I can live with it.

So, I removed it and tried again with the bottom lip sticker and attempted to put it on the top lip again.  Unsuccessfully.

I had seen reviews on YouTube were girls would fix the little mistakes with lip liner or lipstick.  I tried doing that... it didn't really work. Ha!

I asked my husband if he thought it would look weird if I went out with just the top lip and we both agreed that wasn't a good idea.  So I tried to remove the sticker on our way to the venue and this time it was really hard to take off.  It also hurt a lot.  

I'm willing to give these another chance, you learn from mistakes, right?

Next time, I plan on sizing both top and bottom before wetting the cotton ball.  
Also, I'm going to try not to stretch out my mouth so wide, it makes the lip look really wrinkled.  That also probably means the lip tattoos need to be trimmed more next time. 

So far, my thoughts on these lip tattoos are buy them to try them if they're on sale.  Right now Violent Lips is offering 20% off your order and free shipping with code 20VXL (couldn't find an expiration date). Try them for the first time during a time when you wont be counting on them, in case you fail like I did. 

I promise to update you guys when I try again with these tattoos.

Thank you for reading!
-ohh <3

(ah! and sorry for the crappy quality of the pictures, working on getting a cool camera soon!)