Saturday, July 14, 2012

Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

How to start this review without sounding like a dramatic maniac?

This book is by far one of the best books I have read in my short life.  

At the same time I wish I had never read this book because it feels like nothing will be as great as it was and all the books that have come after almost feel like a waste of time.

The Fault in Our Stars is a book written in first person by Hazel Grace Lancaster, a sixteen year old girl with cancer.  She takes this miracle drug that has kept her alive for three years. She does not socialize much except for when her parents force her to go to support group meetings for cancer patients.  There she has a strange friendship with a boy named Isaac who has eye cancer and has lost already one of his eyes. He has a girlfriend that keeps him going, her name is Monica.

One day, Isaac brings a friend over to the support group.  His name is Augustus Waters.  He immediately falls for Hazel because of her resemblance to his late girlfriend.

I have started and re-started this review like ten times and I can't seem to be able to say a lot of what this book is about in a clear way and without giving you the full story.  All I can really say is that this book is a MUST read for everyone.  I have recommended it to people my age and customers in their 50s and everyone agrees that it is an awesome book.

John Green gives a lot of his characters a maturity and intellect that isn't normally associated with teenagers but with Hazel and Augustus it fits perfectly. They say things like:

(I, in no way own this pictures, the first picture belongs to this blog:  I could not for my life find the second one again but it says on the picture milesbowers on flickr 

Needless to say, I give this book a full 5 out of 5 stars and I beg everyone to take the time to read it.

Thank you,

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